We love working with our local industry, business, and community partners. If you would like to work with our students or attend our advisory councils, please reach out to workforce@laramie1.org.
Students and Parents . . .
If you are looking for opportunities surrounding student job shadows, internships, work experiences, and employment, we can help!
Industry and Community- If you are looking for ways to connect with the school district, we would love to talk with you. We are constantly looking for guest speakers, team teachers, workforce opportunities for our students, and mentorship.
College and Career Planning- This office provides support to coursework, services, and products that can help facilitate your search for a career you love. We would love to connect you to those opportunities so you can begin to create the educational pathway that is right for you!
Teachers- If you are looking for opportunities to bring community members, subject matter experts, or provide industry connections for your students, we can help build your network. Additionally, we can help connect you to externships and other learning opportunities.
Email workforce@laramie1.org to learn more and connect with these opportunities.