Summer 2025 Extended School Year Services (ESY)

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  • LCSD1 Extended School Year Services are available to students with IEPs who have qualified for ESY services as determined by their IEP teams. 

Session Details

  • Sessions will be provided based on the frequency and duration outlined in the student's IEP for ESY services. 
  • Sessions will be scheduled by the district and will be clustered during the weeks of June 9th—20th, July 7th—18th, and August 4th—15th.


  • Frequency and duration of services will be determined at the student's annual IEP meetings and scheduled by the district.
  • For example, if a student has qualified for 30 minutes of services for 8 sessions throughout the summer, the ESY schedule could be 9:00-9:30 Mondays and Wednesdays during the ESY dates.


  • ESY will only address the IEP goals that qualify for ESY services as indicated by the IEP teams.

Progress Monitoring & Reporting

  • Service logs will be maintained and progress on IEP goals that qualify for ESY services will be reported at the end of the student's sessions.


  • Parents are encouraged to provide transportation to ESY if they are able to do so.  (This is due to the students only accessing the specific frequency and duration of time outlined in their IEPs.)
  • If a student needs transportation in order to access the service, it will be provided.
  • If a student access Special Transportation during the school year and has qualified to receive ESY services, transportation will be provided. 

Extended School Year Sites:

Coyote Ridge Elementary for elementary students who have qualified for ESY services.

South High School for secondary students who have qualified for ESY services.

ESY Administrator for both sites:  Tyler Schwirtz 307-286-5569

LCSD1 ESY vs. Summer School 2025

Services for students during the summer will present differently than in past years.  Staff, students, and family can reference this document for potential impacts for summer planning.

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Extended School Year Services (ESY)

ESY is a service specific to special education for students who require services over extended breaks based on documented significant regression and recoupment challenges to the point that this impacts their ability to make progress in their education. 

  • ESY is determined annually, based on an IEP team decision and based on data

  • Data should be collected before and after breaks indicating significant regression and recoupment challenges

  • At times, ESY is determined by the team reviewing Predictive Factors after analyzing regression and recoupment data

  • ESY is for the maintenance of goals not progression on goals

  • ESY is not provided to all students with an IEP and is not Summer School

  • ESY should continue the services and Specially Designed Instruction that the student has qualified for through the IEP process (determination of ESY services is on a goal by goal, individualized bases)

ESY Locations
  • EDT/ADT will occur at EDT/ADT

  • Summer School and/or ESY for Annex students will occur at Annex

  • Coyote Ridge will be the host site for elementary students that qualify for ESY services

  • South High School will be the host site for secondary students that qualify for ESY services.

Summer School/Summer Academy

Summer School is a General Education offer.  Any student meeting the criteria outlined for Summer School can attend even if they happen to have an IEP.  IEP services are not provided during summer school, such as Specially Designed Instruction and Related Services.  However, students with an IEP attending Summer School must have access to their accommodations and supports to access Summer School.  Accommodations and supports can be provided to the student by ANY staff member (general education teachers, special education teachers, paraprofessionals).

Notes about Related Service Providers

Related services, such as Speech, OT, PT, etc. are only provided to students during the summer who have qualified for ESY for those services through the IEP process.  Students attending Summer School are not provided with related services unless they qualify for those services through ESY.  Typically, Related Services are only provided in conjunction with academic based ESY goals.