Safe2Tell Wyoming
About Safe2TellWyoming

About Safe2TellWyoming
Safe2Tell Wyoming is designed to
help students, parents and other concerned parties confidentially report any threatening behavior that endangers you, your
friends, your family, or your community. Safe2Tell Wyoming should be used to
report: bullying, stealing, threats, fights, drugs, alcohol, weapons,
sexual misconduct, harassment, stalking, dating violence, cutting,
suicidal behaviors or any other violent or dangerous situations that
threaten their safety or the safety of others. It is for the purpose of
prevention and intervention, to help keep students safe and healthy.
How To Report Threatening Behavior
Safe2Tell Wyoming offers three ways to anonymously and confidentially report threatening behavior that endangers you, your friends, your family or your community:
BY PHONE: 844-996-7233 (844-WYO-SAFE) (this is a toll free number)
ONLINE: Anonymous reports can be made on the web by clicking here.
BY APP: Confidential reports may be made by using the Safe2Tell Wyoming app available on the Apple Store and in Google Play.
Please note that Safe2Tell Wyoming is for serious reports only. It is NOT for pranks or hang-up calls. False reports and blatant misuse of the Safe2Tell Wyoming resource will be investigated.
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