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Student of the Week 2023-2024


May 20 - Peyton Provencher

Peyton Provencher, who is a freshman at Central High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of May 20.

Provencher was nominated by the selection committee for being a mentor to his peers and an incredibly determined student. He works hard to maintain his grades in school, recognizing the learning methods that he finds the most helpful and advocating for them.

Provencher encourages those around him to focus on their academics and provides insight on strategies to succeed, such as maintaining regular attendance. Additionally, he is always motivating those around him to involve themselves in school activities, particularly football, as he is a member of the Central High football team.

Provencher selected Behavior Intervention Specialist Jennifer Krause as his favorite teacher because she is incredibly kind and helps facilitate communication between students and teachers.

May 13 - Leah Russell

Leah Russell, who is a seventh grader at Johnson Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of May 13.

Russell was nominated by the selection committee for her future ambitions, extracurricular involvement and academic achievement. She currently envisions herself as being a veterinarian or an officer in the armed forces and her teachers are offering their utmost support in the pursuit of either of these ventures.

Russell continues to explore her options, recently discovering her love for theatre through an exploratory course at Johnson. She is active on the Johnson student council and cheerleading team.

Russell maintains A’s in all her classes, which include Honors courses in both Math and English. She intends to pursue more Honors courses as she moves into eighth grade next school year. Russell has recently been inducted into Johnson’s National Junior Honor Society chapter.

She selected theatre teacher Annika Nelson as her favorite teacher because she connects with her students and helps them overcome their fears.

May 6 - Isabella Flournoy

Isabella Flournoy, who is a senior at East High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of May 6.

Flournoy was nominated by the selection committee for her outstanding character and academic achievement. She is an IB certificate candidate with a 3.321 grade point average. Flournoy plans on attending Colorado Mesa University in the fall with a goal of becoming an attorney.

According to members of the selection committee, she has seen success academically due, in part, to her self-advocacy and time management skills.

Flournoy is described by her peers and staff alike as demonstrating an unwavering strength of character and tenacity in every action and interaction. She is a kind individual who also displays grit and determination.

She contributes to her school and community through participation in a variety of extracurricular activities. As a member of Student Council, Flournoy helped organize a blood drive and plan events such as homecoming. She volunteers at and helps coach the students attending volleyball camps and is an involved member of the Laramie Rodeo Club.

Flournoy selected English teacher Matthew Prevedel as her favorite teacher because he creates a welcoming environment that allows all students to connect to the subject and each other.

April 29 - Achilles Ward

Achilles Ward, who is an eighth grade student at McCormick Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of April 29.

Ward was nominated by the selection committee for being an exceptional student who represents everything that McCormick stands for. He has received countless praises from students and staff alike, highlighting his relentless optimism and caring nature.

Through his kindness, Ward has improved McCormick’s school culture as a whole. He is constantly inspiring dedication amongst his peers in their schoolwork and helps to uplift the McCormick community, drawing everyone closer together.

Ward is characterized by his love of—and knowledge in—the weather. He loves to share his weather reports with students and staff alike, who can attest to his accuracy and enthusiasm on the subject.

Ward selected McCormick Spanish teacher Janet Stewart as his favorite teacher because she is kind, dependable and always willing to lend a helping hand.

April 22 - Chris Burke

Chris Burke, who is a junior at Triumph High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of April 22.

He was nominated by the selection committee for his academic drive and exceptional talent. He is described as an excellent student who always models Triumph’s Discovery skills and consistently produces high-quality work.

According to members of the selection committee, Burke has demonstrated high-level ability in a multitude of areas including mathematics, science and chess.

He maintains a GPA of 3.2 and is on track to graduate a year early. After graduation, he plans to attend Laramie County Community College to pursue a career in welding.

Burke selected Spartan Academy teacher Brett Tyrrell as his favorite teacher because he is supportive, helpful and friendly to his students.

April 15 - Courtney Walton

Courtney Walton, who is an eighth grade student at Carey Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of April 15.

Walton was nominated by the selection committee for displaying incredible leadership qualities and academic prowess. She is commonly chosen by her peers as a class leader when her teachers are not present for the day. This comes as no surprise, as Walton has been recommended by all her teachers for her work ethic and kindness. She goes out of her way to be a great friend and is always willing to help others.

Walton maintains a 4.0 GPA and is president of the Carey Student Senate. She is also an active participant in all sports offered at Carey. Outside of school, Walton spends her time running recreationally and playing cello.

Walton selected Carey music teacher Suzy Wagner as her favorite teacher because she shows kindness while encouraging her students to improve and have fun while doing so.

April 8 - Savannah Kohlhagen 

Savannah Kohlhagen, who is a senior at South High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of April 8.

Kohlhagen was nominated by the selection committee for displaying school values and excelling academically. She currently holds a weighted GPA of 4.288, is actively involved in multiple advanced placement courses, and is concurrently enrolled with Laramie County Community College. She intends to pursue a career in health sciences.

Kohlhagen has been a member of South’s National Honor Society chapter since her sophomore year. She is also a member of the South girls’ varsity soccer team, where she is a shining example of South’s Honor, Enthusiasm, Responsibility and Determination (HERD) values.

Despite this busy schedule, she takes time to volunteer at a local elementary school as a teacher’s aide.

Kohlhagen selected former civics educator Dr. Reagan Kaufman as her favorite teacher because Kaufman encourages students to do their best.

In describing Kohlhagen, Kaufman said, “Savannah exemplifies honor, enthusiasm, responsibility and determination in all aspects of per personal life. She is a role model for her peers and a valued member of her school community.”

April 1 - Sammy Shumway

Sammy Shumway, who is a senior at Central High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of April 1.

Shumway was nominated by the selection committee for his outstanding character, extracurricular involvement and academic achievement. He is described as being a kind, respectful and compassionate individual. Shumway is a great leader who possesses an exemplary work ethic. He can always be found helping others in school or on the court.

Shumway is involved in both soccer and basketball, as well as being a member of the National Honor Society. He has been awarded all-conference his junior year in soccer and all-state honors his senior year in basketball—the same year that Central won the basketball State Championship.

Shumway maintains an unweighted GPA of 3.882 and a Hathaway weighted GPA of 4.039. He intends to serve for two years on a religious mission in Brazil before returning to attend Brigham Young University. Shumway is currently undecided as to what his major will be, but those around him are excited to see where his path in life will take him.

Shumway selected school counselor Malissa Lance as his favorite teacher because she is a huge support to students and is always willing to listen.

March 25 - Autumn Tupuola-Jones

Autumn Tupuola-Jones, who is an eighth grade student at Johnson Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of March 25.

Tupuola-Jones was nominated by the selection committee for exemplary academic standing and extracurricular involvement. She maintains a 3.83 GPA and is a starting shooting guard for the Johnson girls’ basketball team. Off the court, Tupuola-Jones is involved in the Calvary Chapel of Cheyenne Youth Ministry as a student helper.

Tupuola-Jones is looking toward her future with plans to be a crane operator, but she has not ruled out the possibility of an academic or athletic scholarship. If she were given the opportunity to secure either of these scholarships, she would like to major in interior design at Florida A&M University or Florida State University so that she could be closer to her family and southern culture.

Tupuola-Jones selected science teacher Anna Groose as her favorite teacher because Groose inspires her students to learn and explore the world around them.

March 18 - Benjamin Woolsey

Benjamin Woolsey, who is a senior at East High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of March 18.

Woolsey was nominated by the selection committee for extensive academic achievement and involvement in extracurricular activities. He maintains a 3.8 GPA while undertaking a courseload consisting of advanced placement, concurrent enrollment and advanced math courses.

Woolsey’s teachers admire his ability to manage a very busy extracurricular schedule while maintaining excellent grades. He is an active and accomplished member of the East High Speech and Debate team, as well as National Honor Society and band.

Beyond East, Woolsey is a member of 4H and an Eagle Scout. He organized and ran a blood drive as his project to ascend to the rank of Eagle Scout. Woolsey plans on attending the University of Wyoming Honors Program to study either math or architecture.

Woolsey selected English teacher Charles Fournier as his favorite teacher because he engages with his student’s interests and helps prepare them for their lives after high school.

March 11 - Anna Douglas

Anna Douglas, who is an eighth grade student at McCormick Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of March 11.

Douglas was nominated by the selection committee for excelling academically and tirelessly dedicating herself to the arts. She maintains a 4.0 GPA while enrolled in all honors classes.

Douglas shows extreme dedication as a musician in band, choir, vocal jazz, varsity choir and in the Cheyenne Youth Symphony. She has performed at the “Cowboys, Sing On” weekend, an event hosted by the University of Wyoming to allow students to learn from and perform with the University of Wyoming Choir.

Beyond music, but not beyond the stage, Douglas can be found acting in a variety of theatre productions around town. She has acted in both Central High Theatre productions and the Cheyenne Little Theatre Summer Stock. Additionally, she is active in her church youth group.

Douglas is most commonly described as being an incredibly kind and respectful individual to both teachers and classmates. Members of the selection committee said she is an incredibly genuine, artistic and a smart individual who is an integral part of her school and community.

Douglas selected choir director Wendy Dryden as her favorite teacher because she is an incredibly kind and thoughtful individual who always pushes her students to achieve.

March 4 - Eva Torres

Eva Torres, who is a junior at Triumph High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of March 4.

Torres was nominated by the selection committee for her exemplary coursework and deep involvement in extracurricular activities. She is described as extremely dependable and is always excelling in her classes. Torres is a member of the Triumph Student Council as well as the National Honor Society.

Alongside her extensive academic involvement, Torres is an incredible artist. Staff members say that they are lucky to have her as part of their Triumph family.

Torres selected science teacher Amber Martens as her favorite teacher because she is very understanding and is always willing to help her students.

Feb. 26 - Donovan Carll 

Donovan Carll, who is an eighth grade student at Carey Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Feb. 26.

Carll was nominated by the selection committee for displaying academic excellence and maintaining high expectations for himself. He maintains a 4.0 GPA and approaches each class with a can-do attitude. Carll maintains this GPA despite moving to different areas of the country quite often. He is always willing to help those around him and works to make Carey Junior High a better place to be each day.

Carll plans on joining any extra-curricular club relating to math, science and chess when he transitions to East High next year. After high school, he plans to attend the University of Wyoming for his undergraduate degree prior to pursuing a medical degree.

Carll selected English-language arts teacher Carmen Fisher as his favorite teacher because she makes learning fun and enjoyable while also communicating effectively with her students.

Feb. 19 - Landon Sundquist

Landon Sundquist, who is a senior at South High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Feb. 19.

Sundquist was nominated by the selection committee for extensive academic and extracurricular involvement at South. He has taken AP and concurrent enrollment courses throughout his academic career.

Sundquist shows great interest in STEM fields and has helped to organize the South Triad’s third grade STEM Day for the past three years. He has developed a love for math, which has contributed to him taking multiple high-level AP math courses.

Outside of the classroom, Sundquist can be found on the field as a participating member in South’s football and soccer teams. He volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club of Cheyenne, helping to coach their soccer teams. Additionally, he works on projects through his church.

According to members of the selection committee, whether in the classroom or on the field, Sundquist is a positive role model for others.

Sundquist selected psychology teacher Truman Essex as his favorite teacher because he provides a rigorous and positive learning environment that is full of discussion.

Feb. 12 - Abigail Hoard

Abigail Hoard, who is a senior at Central High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Feb. 12.

Hoard was nominated by the selection committee for being a well-rounded student who excels in all that she does. She participates in AP classes and challenges herself with dual enrollment courses offered through LCCC. She maintains a weighted GPA of 3.945 and has taken a variety of elective classes including Spanish, marketing and agriculture.

According to the selection committee, Hoard embodies kindness, hard work and dedication. She has been described as an authentic young lady who models a myriad of positive attributes. Hoard has been consistently recognized for these attributes by her school community, who believe that she is very deserving of recognition.

She is an active and successful member of DECA and FFA. After graduation she plans to attend college in Nebraska or at the University of Wyoming to earn a degree in animal science.

Hoard selected agriculture teacher Thomas Cress as her favorite teacher because he constantly provides support to his students and is a very positive influence.

Feb. 5 - Gia Mordahl

Gia Mordahl, who is a seventh grade student at Johnson Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Feb. 5.

Mordahl was nominated by the selection committee for impressive academic achievement and high involvement in school athletics. She maintains a 4.0 GPA while taking all honors courses, providing insight and encouragement in each class that she is in. Mordahl is described by all of her teachers as being an incredibly kind individual who always brightens their days.

Making sure to stay active outside of the classroom, Mordahl is registered in every sport that Johnson offers. She is an incredible student athlete that provides encouragement to her teammates both on and off the field. When not playing, Mordahl can be found working the concessions stand with her fellow student council members, helping to raise funds for school activities and local charities alike.

Mordahl selected science teacher Talan Premer as her favorite teacher because she has high expectations of her students alongside a terrific amount of support. She pushes her students to be safe, respectful and responsible while challenging themselves academically.

Jan. 29 - Janie Merritt

Janie Merritt, who is a senior at East High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Jan. 29.

Merritt was nominated by the selection committee for demonstrating excellent academic achievement as well as prowess in extra-curricular activities. She is a top student in East’s IB program and takes full diploma classes while balancing a busy schedule. Merritt maintains a high GPA and takes part in East’s National Honor Society. She plans on majoring in nursing after she graduates.

Merritt is one of East’s star volleyball players, being named 1st team all-conference as well as receiving the Miss T-Bird Award as Offensive Player of the Year. Both on and off the court, she is an encouraging friend to her peers and pushes them to always do their best.

She is currently involved in a project to beautify the playground utilized by the Early Childhood Development Classes’ T-Bird Preschool. She can always be counted on to rise to the occasion under challenging circumstances.

Merritt selected mathematics teacher Skyler Lashley as her favorite teacher because he is kind, caring and makes math fun.

Jan. 22 - Susanna Scranton

Susanna Scranton, who is an eighth-grade student at McCormick Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Jan. 22.

Scranton was nominated by the selection committee for excelling academically and for her heavy involvement in extra-curricular activities. She has been described by her teachers as being the definition of a model student. Scranton dives deeply into classroom topics, asks thought-provoking questions and takes time on her assignments to consistently produce quality work.

According to members of the selection committee, she is an incredibly kind, helpful and thoughtful individual who cares about her education while simultaneously caring for those around her.

Beyond the classroom, Scranton can be found in the Warrior to Warrior program and Math Counts. She is an active participant in Spelling Bee, Advanced Band and Science Olympiad. Scranton also enjoys watching and participating in the Cheyenne Little Theatre, recently acting the part of Diana Barry in “Anne of Green Gables.”

In her spare time, she likes to read, embroider, knit and crochet.

Scranton selected social studies teacher Tara Lauterbach as her favorite teacher because she challenges her students while not letting them fall behind and is incredibly empathetic towards her students.

Jan. 15 - Giovanna Spezzano

Giovanna Spezzano, who is a junior at Triumph High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Jan. 15.

Spezzano was nominated by the selection committee for being a hardworking, engaged student with excellent attendance. She is innovative in her approach to her school projects and has consistent follow-through to take her ideas to completion. Spezzano has been described as creative, reliable and thoughtful by staff at Triumph.

She participates in Triumph’s student council and the school’s art club.

Outside of school, Spezzano plays lacrosse for a travel team and is also on a mountain biking team. She helped paint the collaborative high school street mural during the summer and set up an art display at the Wyoming State Museum for a project. Spezzano’s patience and kindness toward her teachers and classmates also shines. She is a kind person who sees the best in others.

Spezzano selected mathematics teacher Marissa Smith as her favorite teacher because she is very helpful and kind, and she supports students when they are feeling down.

Jan. 8 - Briana Egbert

Briana Egbert, who is an eighth grade student at Carey Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Jan. 8.

Egbert was nominated by the selection committee for being an incredibly hard-working and dedicated student. Her academic achievements are stellar and she possesses strong leadership qualities. After high school, she intends to study engineering, with hopes to eventually work for NASA.

Egbert is also described as being 100% focused on achieving her goals, as evidenced by the fact that she wakes up at 4 a.m. daily to participate in ROTC at East High. Within ROTC, she participates in Marksmanship, Stellar Xplorers and Color Guard. Despite the early mornings, Egbert is always on time to school with a cheerful and positive personality.

Outside of school, she loves swimming, robotics and shows sheep for her 4-H Club.

Egbert selected Col. Christopher Johnson as her favorite teacher because of his strong leadership and drive to see students that he works with succeed.

Jan. 1 - Carlee Wedemeyer

Carlee Wedemeyer, who is a senior at South High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Jan. 1.

Wedemeyer was nominated by the selection committee for being an academically outstanding and responsible student. She has maintained an unweighted GPA of 3.922 and a weighted GPA of 4.275 throughout high school. She has also taken numerous AP courses, alongside dual-enrollment courses offered through LCCC.

She is active in girls’ basketball and soccer as well as a Bible club that she helped create.

According to her teachers, Wedemeyer demonstrates Honorable, Enthusiastic, Responsible and Determined (HERD) expectations at school and beyond. She has been an integral part of the Bison Bistro coffee shop, working as an employee and training her peers. She is dependable, trustworthy and a student who others can look up to.

Wedemeyer selected culinary arts teacher Terri Weaver as her favorite teacher because she is easy to get along with and has high expectations for her students.

Dec. 18 - Sidney Armbrust

Sidney Armbrust, who is a senior at Central High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Dec. 18.

Armbrust was nominated by the selection committee for working incredibly hard, challenging herself academically and being involved in numerous extra-curricular activities. She has maintained an impressive GPA while taking challenging courses and pursuing an AP Capstone Diploma. After high school, Armbrust intends to pursue a bachelor’s degree in finance.

According to both staff, and her peers, Armbrust is an incredibly kind and caring individual. She doesn’t hesitate to help others that she is working alongside, even selflessly putting their needs ahead of her own. She also works to make her school and community a better place at every opportunity.

Armbrust selected mathematics teacher Mari Eisenhart as her favorite teacher because she is always easy to talk to and makes the subject more understandable.

Dec. 11 - Hayven Pigg

Hayven Pigg, who is an eighth grade student at Johnson Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Dec. 11.

Pigg was nominated by the selection committee for being an exemplary student and a role model for excellence. She possesses a detailed work ethic and has a near perfect attendance record. Pigg is currently serving as the secretary for Johnson’s National Junior Honors Society.

She can be found excelling in the classroom, court and field as evidenced by the three letters that she has earned through volleyball, basketball, and track and field.

Pigg selected geography teacher Karen Perez Sapien as her favorite teacher because she pushes students to do their best and is an inspiration to those she teaches.

Dec. 4 - Ava Herceg

Ava Herceg, who is a sophomore at East High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Dec. 4.

Herceg was nominated by the selection committee for being a diligent student, meeting high expectations and contributing her talents to helping others. She has a 4.0 GPA and is in the top percentile of her class.

She is taking advanced placement, honors and dual enrollment courses at Laramie County Community College. Herceg wants to study biochemistry at Yale University and work in cancer research.

Beyond the classroom, Herceg has been practicing karate for 10 years and has a black belt. She also enjoys teaching and mentoring younger karate students. Herceg volunteers as an office assistant at East High, showing around new students and helping them get adjusted to their new environment.

She selected science teacher Riley Stringer as her favorite teacher because he is a caring person who sees his students as people and tries to connect with them on a personal level.

Nov. 27 - Kamron Johnson

Kamron Johnson, who is an eighth grade student at McCormick Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Nov. 27.

Johnson was nominated by the selection committee for being a hard-working, respectful student. He invests time into his learning, asks smart questions, and shapes the classroom culture through exemplary behavior. He also enjoys math and finds it to be an area of strength for him. Despite moving to Cheyenne during the first quarter of the school year and still getting familiar with a new school and community, Johnson has already made significant contributions at McCormick.

Outside of the classroom, Johnson enjoys riding dirt bikes with his Dad and building or repairing cars and go-karts. He enjoys staying active through hunting, basketball, football and working out.

Johnson selected English teacher Kathrine Wheeler as his favorite teacher because she is kind and makes learning and writing easy to understand.

Nov. 20 - Jeremiah King

Jeremiah King, who is a senior at Triumph High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Nov. 20.

King was nominated by the selection committee for being a student role model who consistently uses and demonstrates Discovery skills. He is a kind and respectful individual with a charming sense of humor who is always willing to lend a hand.

Due to his dedication to his academic achievements, King is currently on schedule to graduate early this school year. He possesses exemplary attendance and, with his free time outside of school and work, enjoys reading.

King selected math teacher Emily Sackett as his favorite teacher because she is assisting him in completing his final math requirement for graduation.

Nov. 13 - Trent Simmons

Trent Simmons, who is an eighth grade student at Carey Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Nov. 13.

Simmons was nominated by the selection committee for being an exemplary student at Carey. According to his teachers, he has consistently shown amazing effort in the classroom. He has maintained straight A’s in all of his classes and has shown great success in the after-school sports that he is involved in.

Simmons displays his leadership skills in all that he does. He can often be found helping his classmates, keeping both himself and others engaged in their learning. He maintains a positive attitude and goes above and beyond to help those around him. Simmons is an amazing student who always does the right thing, even when nobody is looking.

Simmons selected mathematics teacher RaeAnn Merry as his favorite teacher because she is an incredibly fun teacher that is always willing to help students with any problems that they may have.

Nov. 6 - Caleb Brewer

Caleb Brewer, who is a senior at South High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Nov. 6.

Brewer was nominated by the selection committee for his academic achievements and extracurricular involvement at South High. He is enrolled in multiple AP and concurrent enrollment courses. Brewer is currently the captain of South High’s swim team. He is an active member of DECA and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and is president of South’s National Honor Society (NHS).

As the NHS president, Brewer oversees meeting preparation and induction ceremonies. With FBLA, he assists with packing and organizing Friday Food Bags for students. He also organizes food drives for the Friday Food Bag program at Safeway. Brewer has managed to keep up with all his extracurricular activities while maintaining a cumulative 4.0 GPA.

Brewer selected mathematics teacher Dan Marcum as his favorite teacher because he is passionate about the subject he teaches. 

Oct. 30 - Matthew Wallace

Matthew Wallace, who is a senior at Central High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Oct. 30.

Wallace was nominated by the selection committee for his extracurricular involvement and academic achievements at Central High. According to the selection committee, he is a kind, respectful, empathetic and hard-working student.

Wallace is an active member of JROTC and participates in JROTC Raider, color guard and drill. He has been awarded the Special Forces Association Medal for JROTC due to his exemplary behavior. He is a mentor for other students and plans to join the U.S. Army after high school.  

Wallace’s favorite teacher is Sgt. Maj. Roger Harder. According to Wallace, Harder has helped him develop leadership skills and has been a role model who is always available to support him.

Oct. 23 - Corbin Westervelt

Corbin Westervelt, who is a seventh grader at Johnson Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Oct. 23.

Westervelt was nominated by the selection committee for his willingness to thrive academically and for being an exceptional student who embodies integrity and kindness. Westervelt is currently enrolled in honors eighth grade math classes. He is also part of the Capital City Athletic swimming team.

According to his teachers, Westervelt’s unique personality does not go unnoticed. His fun-loving spirit positively impacts everyone around him. He is responsible, friendly, has integrity, and always strives for excellence. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with friends and playing video games.

His favorite teacher is Ashton Horsley because she is nice and makes jokes to keep the physical education class fun.

Oct. 16 - Ty Bronder 

Ty Bronder, who is a 12th grade student at East High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Oct. 16.

Bronder was nominated by the selection committee for his academic achievements and extracurricular involvement both at East and in the community. He maintains a highly ranked GPA, takes Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses and dual enrollment classes at Laramie County Community College (LCCC).

Bronder is part of the East orchestra, swimming team, 4H and Air Force JROTC. He’s held several leadership positions in the AFJROTC, including temporary flight commander, flight sergeant, commander of the second color guard, and currently is the E flight commander. Bronder has earned 17 different awards and ribbons in the program and has completed community service hours at various events.

Bronder has been the president of the 4H club for the past five years and has earned champion ribbons in dog obedience, agility, rally and showmanship.

In his free time, he enjoys participating in professional mountain biking competitions and volunteers at the Habitat for Humanity store, COMEA Shelter and the Cheyenne Animal Shelter. His involvement with the community doesn’t end there, Bronder assists in running the Downtown Runaround project, is a member of the Mayor’s Youth Council and is currently employed as a ground keeper at the Prairie View Golf Course.

Bronder has applied to the Coast Guard Academy and wants to pursue a career in the military. He is in the process of applying for national ROTC scholarships and has been nominated for a full merit-based scholarship at the University of Virginia. His teachers describe him as an impressive student with an outstanding character and spirit who exudes kindness and respect and makes his peers feel welcome and valued.

Bronder selected Lt. Col. Chris Johnson as his favorite teacher because he makes the AFJROTC program lively and fun.

Oct. 9 - Ada Cox

Ada Cox, who is an eighth-grade student at McCormick Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Oct. 9.

Cox was nominated by the selection committee for striving academically at McCormick, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, and for her extracurricular involvement—not only at her home school, but at Central High as well. She is an active member of advanced band, Science Olympiad, jazz band, yearbook club and participates in Central’s marching band. Cox attended Central High’s band practices during the summer and regularly takes part in the school’s football half-time shows.

In her free time, she enjoys hiking, backpacking, reading and writing. She has even written two science fiction books. Cox’s teachers describe her as a curious, hardworking, insightful, kind and polite student. She values her education and truly enjoys learning new things. She stays engaged during class by asking questions, completing schoolwork on time and helping other students. Cox is a role model for all her peers.

Cox chose her math teacher, Jennifer Mettler, as her favorite teacher because she is very articulate and good at explaining her thoughts. She gives a lot of examples and is open to student questions for clarification.

Oct. 2 - Jaiden Dabel 

Jaiden Dabel, who is a 12th grade student at Triumph High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Oct. 2.

Dabel was nominated by the selection committee for striving for the best in all his classes. He is described as a kind and respectful individual who is always willing to help others. Dabel is a great friend to his peers and everyone around him knows that they can count on him for anything they might need, no matter the situation.

According to members of the selection committee, Dabel’s dedication to his academic achievements makes him stand out in every class he enrolls in; he completes assignments on time, remains engaged and productive throughout his classes and has an outstanding attendance record. One of Dabel’s favorite hobbies is playing guitar.

His favorite teacher is Marissa Smith because she is nice, upbeat about life, always willing to help, and she makes math fun.

Sept. 25 - Ashley Mutheu

Ashley Mutheu, who is an eighth grader at Carey Junior High, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Sept. 25.

Mutheu was nominated by the selection committee for her dedication and willingness to improve herself socially and academically. Mutheu moved to Wyoming a few years ago and began her education at LCSD1 as an English language learner. She is an active member of the National Junior Honor Society and maintains straight A’s in all of her classes despite a schedule change a couple weeks after the start of the 2023-2024 school year. 

During her free time Mutheu, enjoys playing volleyball, gaming, writing and cooking. She wants to keep striving to do her best at school to eventually become a doctor.

Her favorite teacher is Ashley Garcia because she is easy-going and goes above and beyond to help her students. According to Mutheu, Ms. Garcia has a fun and engaging classroom and will do anything to meet the needs of the students. 

Sept. 18 - Keely Henderson  

Keely Henderson, who is an 11th grade student at South High School, was selected as Laramie County School District 1’s Student of the Week for the week of Sept. 18.

Henderson was nominated by the selection committee for her academic achievements and extracurricular involvement both at South High and in the community.

She has taken AP classes at South High and several college level courses at Laramie County Community College, aspiring to obtain her associate degree by the time she graduates high school. She is an active member of South’s National Honor Society and in her spare time she enjoys volunteering at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens all while maintaining a 4.4 GPA.

Henderson is South High’s Swim Team captain and a member of the Capital City Athletics Swim Club. Her honorable, enthusiastic, responsible, and determined characteristics make her a role model for her peers. As described by the selection committee, Henderson is a ray of sunshine that can brighten anyone’s day with her presence.

Her favorite teacher is Elenora Zuber because she is a compassionate teacher and made AP Psychology fun and enjoyable during Henderson’s 2022-2023 school year.

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