To register for current school year:
1. Visit our New Family Registration link to register a new student.
- Tip for the website: Make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off.
- Tip for families returning after being out of district for one year - you are considered a new student when registering.
2. Select the language you would like to use.
3. Select -Start New Registration
4. Add ALL students who will be attending school in the Student section with the Add New Student selection. One Infinite Campus online registration application is required per family, allowing the addition of multiple students as needed.
5. You must go through all the screens, answer all questions, and make sure you select the red submit button to complete your Online Household Registration.
Elementary families: Due to overcrowding in some of our elementary schools, we cannot guarantee your child will be placed at their attendance area school.
*Secondary families: After completing online registration, please contact the school to get an appointment for schedule creation.
Please contact and visit your school once above information is completed or if you need assistance with any part of the process above.
The enrollment process is not considered complete until the neighborhood school has received all required enrollment documentation. For more detailed information on required documents visit Enrollment Documentation