![Workforce Information & Resources](https://cdn.schoolblocks.com/organizations/0eb8eaa4-d6ef-4fe9-b3cf-f7de07ddc4a1/blocks/8240490c-5d17-463d-9e03-4b41a9051d63/9v83nb-Workforce Information & Resources topper block.png)
Joining the workforce after graduation can be a great opportunity in many careers. If you are considering this pathway, here are a few things to consider when applying for jobs and considering future employers:
What is the wage progression? You might start at $15 but within 6 months make $22 and in two years make $30/hour. You might see another job that starts at $18 but caps out in two years at $24. Understanding how and when your pay will increase is important to find out and understand.
What education and training do they provide? You might see one company that provides certifications and training that will lead to higher wages. Another company might expect you to get that training on your own and that will include the cost of the courses and certification. This is also important to understand from an employer.
What are the benefits and when do they start? While retirement or health insurance might not seem like a big deal, it can really add up especially if you are starting this process when you are 18. Make sure you know what other monetary benefits you will receive from a company like paid time off and sick leave.
Who provides the tools and equipment? It is important to clarify this expectation in many different industries. You need to know who is going to provide the required equipment, tools, and clothing. If it’s you, do they provide a monetary stipend or a raise in pay to cover this?
What is this company’s reputation? If all things are equal, finding an organization with a great reputation for workplace satisfaction and culture is important to consider. Don’t skip doing a little research.
If joining the workforce you might need some additional resources around application materials. Check out the links below or let us know how we can help at workforce@laramie1.org.
How To Ask For a Letter of Recommendation.
Asking For a Recommendation Letter Video.
Choosing a Job Reference Video
How to Write a Good High School Resume
How to Write a Good Cover Letter
What kind of questions will I be asked in an interview?