Family Resource and Engagement Center-PEEPS
Family Engagement Facilitators

Hope Peete & Tes Burns
PEEPS Center location 2811 House Ave. Door#4 (North side of Storey Gym building)
Hope work cell 307-275-1505 and office # 307-771-2100 x10140 Tes Burns work cell 307-631-8868 and office # 307-771-2100 x10145
PEEPS Office

Hope Peete & Tes Burns
PEEPS Center location 2811 House Ave. Door#4 (North side of Storey Gym building)
Hope work cell 307-275-1505 and office # 307-771-2100 x10140 Tes Burns work cell 307-631-8868 and office # 307-771-2100 x10145
Family Resource Center
- Welcoming and Private Space for meetings and LCSD1 family groups
- Family Class Offerings with space for kids to play and childcare
- Free Internet Access and Computers
- Access to District Resources and support services, including our team
- Educational and Social Opportunities
Why get involved?
Research shows that parental support is more important to school success than a student’s IQ, economic status or school setting. Parents influence everything from their child’s reading level to test scores. The benefits of parent involvement include: • Higher grades and test scores • Better behavior and more positive attitudes • Higher graduation rates • Better attendance at school • More homework completed • Reduced placement in special education • Greater enrollment in postsecondary education