Well-Being Questionnaires

Notice: Parent/guardian permission is required for participation in well-being questionnaires. The tools below are used to assess an individual’s overall well-being across various domains of life, such as physical health, mental health, social relationships, emotional well-being and life satisfaction. These do not include informal school-created processes or quick checks used to assess classroom or school climate. Failure to return this form or provide permission online will result in your student not being able to participate in this program.

Do you give permission for your child to participate in the following:

1. Olweus Bully Prevention Program Survey

The Olweus K-8 grade program and survey designed to gather data in an anonymous manner from students in grades 3-8. The data will help schools, as well as the district improve bully prevention measures. They survey is completed online and proctored by certified staff and takes approximately 30 minutes to administer.

Parents may view the survey’s questionnaires at this link.

2. FastBridge mySAEBRS

The Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (mySAEBRS) is a 20-item rating scale that students complete about their social, academic, and emotional behaviors. It is administered to students in grades 2-12 up to three times per year. It is designed to support educators and parents when making decisions for students who may encounter challenges socially, academically and emotionally.

Parents may view the survey questions and scale by following this link.

3. Prevention Needs Assessment Survey:

The PNA has been administered in Wyoming since 2001. The Wyoming Department of Health funds this survey. It provides an understanding of substance use and students’ mental health in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12. It collects anonymous data used by the Laramie County schools and local people in our community who work in drug and alcohol use prevention. There are two versions of the survey. The middle school (6-8) survey has removed the questions about hard drugs and added questions about experiences that affect health and learning. The PNA Team is committed to transparency, and encourage the review of the survey so parents can make an informed decision for their child.

Parents may view the survey’s middle and high school questionnaires at this link.