Kindergarten Enrollment Information
Kindergarten registration Information

Annually, both online registration applications and address verifications must be completed for the student's enrollment.

Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before Aug. 1. If your child turns 5 years old between Aug. 1 and Sept. 15, information about early entry may be obtained through your neighborhood school principal.

The enrollment process is not considered complete until the neighborhood school has received all required enrollment documentation.

To allow families more flexibility, parents/guardians who would like their child to attend a school other than their neighborhood school should submit a boundary waiver form visit the Boundary Waiver website.

Make sure to visit the Student Enrollment web page for more important information about registration.


Enrollment/Registration Process

If your student did not attend a prekindergarten class with LCSD1, then you will need to complete all steps required for a NEW student enrollment/registration.

If your student did attend a prekindergarten class with LCSD1 (or if they have older siblings in LCSD1), then you will need to complete the steps required for a Returning Family Enrollment/Registration.

All families must complete the online registration and household address verification process every year.

For online assistance, contact the Service Desk, 771-2242 or