Coyote Ridge
Cheyenne Virtual School building

Chelsea Cox, Principal

Main Office: 307-771-2630


FAX: 307-771-2361

5515 Powderhouse Road Cheyenne, WY 82009

  • Grades 5 - 6
Johnson JHS Contact
Picture of the Johnson junior high school building

Michaela Bradshaw, Principal

Aaron Moon, Associate Principal

Dr. Steve Imbriani, Assistant Principal

Jessica Bradley, Dean of Students

7th Grade Counselor - Mickenzi Corbine

8th Grade Counselor - Jason Garman

Main Office: 307-771-2640


Fax: 307-771-2660

1236 W. Allison Rd. Cheyenne, WY 82007

  • Grades 7 - 8
South HS Contact
Picture of the South High school building

Kerri Gentry, Principal

Louis Sisemore, Associate Principal

Kristen Siegel, Assistant Principal

Val Hudson, Assistant Principal

Wendy Johnson, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

Brodie Epler, Dean of Students

Main Office: 307-771-2410

ATTENDANCE Heritage Office A-G: 307-771-2446

Legend Office H-O: 307-771-2448

Stampede Office P-Z: 307-771-2447

Email: Fax: 307-771-2420

Records: 307-771-2373 ext. 22112 Request a Transcript or Education Verification

1213 W. Allison Rd. Cheyenne, WY 82007

  • Grades 9 - 12
Central HS Contact
Picture of Central High school building

Karen Delbridge, Principal

Courage Office (A-G): 307-771-2694 Nicholas Lamp, Assistant Principal Brittany Marlow, Counselor

Honor Office (H-N): 307-771-2690 Mike Maloney, Associate Principal Margie Cook, Counselor

Spirit Office (O-Z): 307-771-2692 Jeff Hatcliff, Assistant Principal Malissa Lance, Counselor

Main Office: 307-771-2680

Email: Fax: 307-771-2699

Records Office: 307-771-2691 Request a Transcript or Education Verification

5500 Education Drive Cheyenne, WY 82009

  • Grades 9 - 12