Featured ItemsPublic Consulting Group Special Education ReviewWell-Being QuestionnairesRevised Schedule for 2025 Graduation Ceremonies
Prekindergarten Programs Two types of programs Offered at select schools Students must be 4 years old on or before August 1
Technology Help Contact the LCSD1 Service Desk for password and login assistance, and for questions about district technology services. We offer live chat support and remote assistance on any device. This service also allows for screen sharing to assist our techs in troubleshooting.
School Directory In our district there are: 3 rural elementary schools 26 urban elementary schools 3 junior high schools 3 high schools 1 alternative high school
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Children and Youth in Transitional Living Situations Information and contact
Student Injuries Can Happen Medical Expenses Can Be a Financial Hardship . . . When the Unexpected Occurs